Take Back the Night

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Take Back the Night introduces itself with the line, "Breaking the silence by standing a stand against sexual and domestic violence", and gives the following descriptive information:

This organizing committee is guided by principles of intersectionality, anti-oppression and combating rape culture. All members must be open to learning about these ideas and reflecting on their own biases. We understand that unpacking and unlearning our own biases and privileges allows us to create space for the various experiences of survivors of all different backgrounds & narratives and the ways they experience rape culture and other violence.

We believe that we live in a culture that excuses, tolerates and even encourages sexual violence and domestic violence. We are working toward a world without sexual assault and one in which communities can heal from and prevent sexual assault and domestic violence. We are fighting for a world that understands and respects Consent Culture.

We support anyone who identifies as a survivor of sexual assault or domestic violence, anyone who is supporting someone else who identifies as a survivor, or anyone who is unsure whether or not they have been sexually assaulted or been in an abusive relationship.

We support survivor’s self-determination in their own healing process and level of comfort in their involvement.

See Also