Elder Activists
Elder Activists introduces itself with the line, "Creating a Thriving and Just Future", and gives the following descriptive information about its head, Lynne Iser:
I am a full time elder activist--which I attribute to my youngest daughter, who at 21 expresses great concern for the big problems of our world, and wishes that it was still the 1950’s.
I have also been deeply affected by the teachings of Joanna Macy, PhD, an eco-philospher and creator of the ground-breaking theoretical framework for personal and social change--The Work That Reconnects. These teachings encourage us to connect with our love for all life, to also feel the pain of our world, and, to use all those feelings to inspire our activism.
I work primarily on local issues concerning climate change and social justice. I am discovering the power that comes from intentional conversations and so I coordinate a monthly Pachamama Gathering, have initiated a Study-Action Circle with a group of friends, a Positive Aging Lunch series, and a New Jim Crow Study-Action Group. I am currently taking two on-line classes: one on environmental education, and the other is a Game Changing Intensive--both of which are fueling my continued quest to discern how we can best go forth to create a healthy world.
- Facebook: ElderActivists
- About-Peace (9)
- Is-Advocacy Organization (500)
- Is-Blog (99)
- Is-Member Of-Pachamama Alliance (3)
- Issue-Aging (23)
- Issue-Conversation (42)
- Issue-Environmental Education (10)
- Issue-Future Generations (8)
- Issue-Older Adults (17)
- Issue-Peace (41)
- Issue-People Helping People (37)
- Issue-Social Change (114)
- Issue-Social Justice (107)
- Serves-Activists (46)
- Serves-Senior Citizens (60)