Focus on Fathers

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A PHMC Affiliate Program

We aim to strengthen positive father-child engagement, foster healthy relationships, and to improve employment and economic opportunities for young fathers. Focus on Fathers (FOF) provides opportunities to gain parenting and child development knowledge through group education sessions held in community locations throughout Philadelphia. Our courses are facilitated by fathers with extensive experience helping fathers overcome barriers to maintaining positive involvement in their children’s lives. FOF addresses healthy relationships through all its services, offers education and guidance to strengthen relationships with the co-parent, children and families and offers a formal job training course on job readiness education and job search support through its partner, Workforce Institute. In Philadelphia, since 2001, FOF has served more than 250 individuals annually including fathers, stepfathers, other male caregivers, as well as couples and co-parents.

Focus on Fathers is a program of Health Promotion Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania Inc. (HPC), which is an affiliate of Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), a nonprofit public health institute that creates and sustains healthier communities.

Note: The above descriptive information came from the program's About Us page.


See Also