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Latest revision as of 22:32, 4 October 2018


Judy Dobbs.

Matters For Your Health gives the following descriptive information:

Reflexology improves circulation throughout the body through the reflexes on the feet. "It works like a remote control into the body, relaxed yet energized". By pressing on the reflexes on the feet, I can tell if the client has a headache, stiff neck, low back pain, if they drink enough water or eat too much sugar! Usually by the end of a half hour session, most headaches and aches and pains change, if not disappear, and my client is left with a wonderful sense of well-balance. They feel light, relaxed and yet energized!

Judy Dobbs was foisted into alternative modalities in the early 70’s. A fall rearranged her coccyx bone, leaving her crippled in 1973. Having reacted to over-the-counter and pharmaceutical drugs all her life, the codeine drugs administered for the pain only worsened her condition. Only after much persuading from her mother did Judy decide to call a Reflexologist in Northeast Philadelphia, May Post. Luckily getting a last minute appointment, Judy was carried into Mays’ office where 2 phone books had been placed on the chair with a 2 inch space between them for her coccyx to sit pressure free. May Post methodically pressed every square inch of Judy’s feet, and at the end of the session, came up the spine reflex on the heel, slowly and deeply. Just then everyone in the room heard a loud click from Judy’s low back! The pain turned from excruciating to light! Judy walked out of the office! In 1975 she took her first class with the International Institute of Reflexology taught by May Post.
