Taller Puertorriqueño

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Taller Puertorriqueño's El Corazón Cultural Center.

The Cultural Heart of Latino Philadelphia

Taller Puertorriqueño uses art to promote development within its community and the Latino Diaspora and build bridges to the Greater Philadelphia region. Since its inception in 1974, Taller has been elevating and preserving Puerto Rican and Latino culture through arts and cultural programming. With its art-education programs, socially-conscious art exhibitions, book readings, and events, Taller engages the public in dynamic discussions that stimulate the mind, create opportunities and make connections between people and communities. The 2016 opening of the 24,000+ square-foot El Corazón Cultural Center, solidifies Taller’s position as Pennsylvania’s largest Latino arts organization.

Taller Puertorriqueño, Inc. (Taller) is a community-based cultural organization whose primary purpose is to preserve, develop and promote Puerto Rican arts and culture, grounded in the conviction that embracing one’s cultural heritage is central to community empowerment. Taller is also committed to the representation and support of other Latino cultural expressions and our common roots.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's About Us (Sobre Nosotros) page.

In The News
