Be The Change Women’s Mastermind
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Leading with grace is a skill
If you are a woman in leadership, grace isn’t just a nice to have - it’s a must. Unfortunately, they don’t teach this skill in traditional management programs. It isn’t a part of the curriculum at Harvard Business School, it’s not on the start-up incubator menu, and it isn’t covered in most corporate training initiatives. The result is that many of us end up learning the hard way – we give away important parts of ourselves while taking the bold, gutsy actions required to forward our mission in the world.
- In 2004 I was offered what should have been my dream job. I was teaching in rural China, as part of the Princeton in Asian international fellow program. Despite my lack of formal training, a global Fortune 500 company was inviting me to serve as the cultural awareness advisor and communication coach for one of their top executives in Shanghai.
- I was over the moon – ready to dive in and give it my all. There was just one problem. By the time the offer came in, the cracks in my perfect plan had started to show – cracks that would eventually shatter my dreams, and take me back to ground zero. I had worked SO hard and given up SO much of myself to get there, I was on the verge of burnout. *A mental breakdown and major illness sent me careening into a six-month crash. It took two years to recover.
- If you have ever felt exhausted, overwhelmed or resentful while doing work you love as a result of giving away more of you than you should, then you know what I’m talking about.
- No matter how fired up you are about the incredible work you do in the world, there is a glass ceiling you inevitably hit when you ignore the warning signs of your body, your heart or your emotions. My breakdown led me to into a deep-dive study of embodiment, mindfulness and positive psychology. I learned how to heal myself DAILY, and access my true POWER as a woman leader.
- After twelve years of coaching women in the corporate, government and non-profit sectors on these same challenges, and seven years of polishing, perfecting and tailoring this curriculum for leaders just like you, I'm now opening the next
- Be the Change Program cohort for 2019
See Also
*Next Level - LeeAnn introduces the movement & the Book: Guts & Grace]