Fairmount Park Conservancy

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A beautiful scene brought to you by the Fairmount Park Conservancy.

We Are Park Innovators. We Are Park Champions.
We Are Park Partners. We Are Park Stewards.

Fairmount Park Conservancy exists to champion Philadelphia’s parks. We lead capital projects and historic preservation efforts, foster neighborhood park stewardship, attract and leverage investments, and develop innovative programs throughout the 10,200 acres that include Fairmount Park and more than 200 neighborhood parks around the city.

Through sustained leadership, significant investment, and strategic efforts, Fairmount Park Conservancy positions Philadelphia’s park system to become a world-class, preeminent park system, and a national model for urban revitalization, sustainability, and civic engagement.

Fairmount Park Conservancy is:

  • A leader and steward of signature capital projects and innovative programs in support of Philadelphia’s parks.
  • A champion of the Philadelphia parks and recreation system – it raises funds to develop and promote the Park’s unique assets, accomplishments, and contributions.
  • A true collaborator – it builds and stewards partnerships with other organizations that can bring increased resources to and awareness of the Philadelphia parks and recreation system.
  • Committed to having a positive and measurable impact in the neighborhoods and communities it serves.

Note:  The above description came from the organization's About Us page.

In The News


See Also