Green Shoots of Democracy - Karen Bojar
Green Shoots provides insight into the political perspectives of millennials interested in grassroots politics.
Although millennials are reputed to be far more interested in civic participation than in partisan politics, some clearly understand the connections between the civic and political spheres and increasingly want to become involved in both.
The young activists profiled in the book are challenging the top-down modus operandi of the Philadelphia Democratic Party—which is no longer one machine but has rather fragmented into groups of competing factions. There will soon be opportunities for significant change in the Philadelphia Democratic Party, which is currently staffed by ward leaders and committeepeople already in their 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. The current configuration cannot last much longer. Change is coming.
- About-Activism (26)
- About-Citizenship (3)
- About-Democracy (11)
- About-Philadelphia (158)
- About-Philadelphia Democratic Party (1)
- About-Politics (18)
- Is-Author (48)
- Is-Book (41)
- Issue-Activism (57)
- Issue-City Government (18)
- Issue-Civic Engagement (54)
- Issue-Civil Liberties (15)
- Issue-Democracy (43)
- Serves-Citizens (4)
- Serves-Civic Leaders (7)
- Serves-Millennials (3)