Jewish Children's Folkshul and Adult Community

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A scene from a holiday celebration at Jewish Children's Folkshul and Adult Community.

A Secular Humanist Jewish Community

We welcome all who want to be part of our Jewish community including, but not limited to folks who are: culturally Jewish, agnostic, atheist, spiritual, self-identified Jewish, Jew~ish, Jew-curious, in an interfaith family, LGBTQ, leaving Judaism, returning to Judaism, freethinkers, humanists, grandparents, singles, couples, parents-trying-to-give-their-kids-good-values-and-a-cultural-identity-in-a-non-religious-setting...

Folkshul is a joyful hub of family programs and community activities. A member-run cooperative with a professional staff, Folkshul provides a culturally enriching and meaningful experience.

Our students learn Jewish history, values, mythology, and celebration of holidays. They participate in music, dance, and art and develop social action projects. Special attention is given to relating the “Jewish Experience” to modern day events and issues.

Folkshul is also a family experience with holidays and rites of passage celebrated by the entire community.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's What Makes Us Unique page

In The News
