Occupy Philly

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Occupy Philly gives the following description:

OccupyPhilly.com is here to serve the internet community with news aggregation of relevant issues that are plaguing our once great society. It may seem that we are a right leaning organization at times, but we are not. As I stated before, on occupyphilly.org before I retired it, everything has its place and time. There is a place for conservative views and progressive views, for anarchists and libertarians, for all walks of life to live, work, and play together. Even if you can’t stand to be around that particular type of person, you can break down those barriers online.

On September 28th, 2011, I started OccupyPhilly.org using the BuddyPress for a social media type platform for just that purpose. Inevitably, the vicious in-fighting and attacks and lies started erupting from all sides. The anarchists of the Left persuasion ran off to the Democratic infiltrators of occupy and now run the OccupyPhiladelphia Facebook page and started their own web sites instead of trying to find common ground with the rest of society. So if you want to know why you don’t see Democratic / Progressive / Anarchist of the extreme left posts ONLY, you now know.

OccupyPhilly.com and and the matching Occupy Philly Facebook page cater to all walks of life including Conservative / Republican / and the becoming more mainstream, right leaning Libertarians. “ALL ARE WELCOME AND WILL NOT BE CENSORED” has always been Occupy Philly’s mantra unlike Occupy Philadelphia. I don’t agree with the Democratic Party trying to hijack Occupy in general. But if you look at the unions and other NGO’s that run and support Occupy Philadelphia that is exactly what happened. But at least they are getting out and fighting corruption and actually fight for SOME good causes ...
