Reclaim Philadelphia

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Continuing the Political Revolution in the City of Brotherly Love

Reclaim Philadelphia is a grassroots, democratic organization that aims to build power for people across the city. In a political world flooded with corporate money, it is dedicated to amplifying the voices of Philadelphians. We oppose the rule of moneyed and special interests that deform our institutions and deface our government. Through issue-based and electoral campaigns, policy research, and direct action, Reclaim Philadelphia is working to organize the progressive majority in the city.

What does it mean to “reclaim Philadelphia”? It implies that something has been lost and needs to be retaken. And for us this is exactly the case: the people, organized, would take back the commons from the elites who privatize and ruin it. A more humane, more welcoming city, and a more inclusive, more democratic politics, would be the goal.

Note:  The above descriptive information came from the organization's Vision page.

In The News


See Also