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Sparkmakers working together.

Sparkmakers gives the following descriptive information:

  • SPARKmakers is a “thinkering” portable lab and consulting/teaching venture. Through our innovative, culturally relevant, and holistic approach to Art and Design Education, our mission is to advance the design of hands-on minds-on curriculums which combine Art and Design Thinking with Science, Technology, Culture and Activism.
  • We believe by engaging youth and young adults in “thinkering” with the fundamental concepts underlying how the world around us works – by exploring, solving problems, troubleshooting, creating projects on their own, working together, sharing skills and ideas – they gain a sense of independence and be better prepare to solve complex challenges in life.
  • Central to this endeavor, SPARKmakers is partnering with schools, organizations and individuals who are interested in providing youth and young adults innovative educational opportunities. We are especially interested in working with people who are invested in ending mass incarceration and inequity in our communities.