Otto Scharmer – Theory U

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Theory U is a change management method and the title of a book by Otto Scharmer. Scharmer with colleagues at MIT conducted 150 interviews with entrepreneurs and innovators in science, businsess, and society and then extended the basic principles into a theory of learning and management, which he calls Theory U

- Wikipedia
  • On page 8 of Sharmer's latest book, "The Essentials of Theory U," Sharmer writes:
"... if we were asked where our actions come from, most of us would be unable to provide a clear response. In my research I began to call this origin of our actions and perceptions the source." (emphasis by the author)

  • Reading these words made me instantly see a link between Sharmer's mysterious "source" which he proceeds to call the "Blind Spot" throughout all the rest of Theory U and Sinek's "Why."
Stan (talk) 16:53, 13 July 2020 (EDT)
Is the Blind Spot identical to Sinek's Why??